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Come join us for an exciting time of ministry September 11th and 12th as GLORY House and UPPER ROOM Church of Antioch, TN and Spirit & Truth Worship Church of La Vergne, TN hosts our first ever "School of The Spirit Conference" together with amazing times of worship and a powerful lineup of speakers including Joe James, Tony Howson and Paul Haglin. Services will be held both days at the Global Mall At The Crossings in Antioch, TN (formally Hickory Hollow Mall) located at 5252 Hickory Hollow Pkwy, Antioch, Tennessee 37013. Please see map below for exact location within the mall.

We are sure to enjoy an amazing time of renewal and refreshing through Spirit-led worship, anointed teaching and life changing, powerful encounters with the presence of God. We will have time set aside during each service to pray for healing for those who are sick as well as to minister in the prophetic and through impartation.

Our speakers for this event include:

Founded Resurrection Christian Ministries in 1981 when the Lord took he and his wife, Gretel, into itinerant ministry after 10 years of pastoring a home prayer meeting that grew into a church. They were a refreshing modern-day Aquila and Priscilla teaching and healing ministry team that the Holy Spirit led across the USA, Canada, and all over England and Wales for 30 years. Their love and understanding of Jesus, of the heart of the Father, and of one another, empowered them to minister spiritual life to the body of Christ. 


A former high school teacher, Tony was ordained and went into full time ministry in 1983. Within the next 8 years he was  recognized by different groupings as a Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist and a Teacher before being released as an Apostle in the mid 1990's. He is gifted  as a father to raise up others into ministry. Based in the UK, he travels into various nations in Africa and Europe as well as India and the USA. Tony and his wife Margaret have two grown up children and six grandchildren.


Joe grew up in Wales and moved to St Louis in 2007. He is the founding pastor of Higher Ground International Church in St Louis, and also ministers in the nations as an apostle. He is passionate about seeing the Church strengthened across the globe. He is also the founder of Restore House Healing Rooms and loves the ministry of healing and deliverance. He is the father of 2 children - Nathan and Anna Faith. 



5:00 PM - Doors Open

6:00 PM - Worship by: Jessica Crawford and The Peytonsville Church Worship Band.

Speaker: JOE JAMES.


10:00 AM
- Worship by Joe James

Speaker : PAUL HAGLIN.


12:00 PM - 1:30 PM - LUNCH BREAK

1:30 PM - Healing Service. Speaker: JOE JAMES.

6:00 PM - Worship by: 
Joint team from UPPER ROOM Church and Spirit & Truth Worship Church along with the GLORY House Worship Band.


On January 10, 2015, GLORY House will be having a very special joint healing and prayer conference with our friends at the Smyrna Church of God in Smyrna, TN, Spirit & Truth Worship Church and Right Road Ministries of La Vergne and The Healing Rooms of Nashville. 


We will have a time of powerful worship as a joint praise team from GLORY House and Spirit & Truth Worship Church lead us into God's Presence.Our guest speaker for the evening will be Steve Driessen. Steve & his wife Joan are the directors of the Healing Rooms of Nashville. They opened their first Healing Room in Spring Hill at SouthView Church in May of 2012. Their vision is to bring healing to the people of this region through training and releasing of God's people to do the work of the kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven. They have created an atmosphere for healing, where faith, God's presence and power come together to heal and deliver God's people. A place where the gifts of the Holy Spirit are released with the laying on of hands and people can receive their healing, freedom and wholeness.


Healing Rooms of Nashville is a member of the International Association of Healing Rooms.


Below is the mission of IAHR: 


Our ministry team is here to serve the community and the Body of Christ while contending for all that Christ promised the church would move in, "the works that I do shall you do also and greater works than these." (John 14:12) We minister: A Salvation Message, The Healing Word, The Anointing that Empowers the Word, Prayer and Deliverance of the Sick and An Impartation for Healing to the Local Church. We are excited about what God is doing in the church in this hour around the world. We feel that there is no price too great to pay to be part of it; our cry is - More Lord! "And these signs will follow those that believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; ... they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." Mark 16:17,18.


If you have sickness in your body or need freedom in any area of your life, you do not want to miss this incredible service!!










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